You Have a Birth Plan…But Do You Have a Birth VISION?

This is one of the many mindset shifts and exercises I do with my clients. Working through the lack of control we have over specific details and holding on to what we can envision and hold true.

Birth Plan vs. Birth Vision

Birth PLANS tend to be about what we want and what we don’t want. They satisfy our desire to be in control and help make us feel that we have some decision making authority- important, but often an illusion as we don’t get to order up our perfect births (as much as we might try!)

So, in addition to a birth plan, consider your birth “vision”. You could build a vision board, do a written brainstorm, journal on it for a few minutes and see what comes up!

Ideas to Consider for your Birth Vision

How do you want to feel?
What is the vibe?
How are people moving, acting?
What does the room feel like?
What does it smell like?
What does it sound like?
What is the lighting?
How do you FEEL?
What is your partner doing?
How are you and your partner interacting (or not?)
Who else is there?
Add anything that comes up for you, you might be surprised how these answers vary!

Mindset Shift

Now- regardless of how the birth goes…how long it is, whether you get all according to “plan” and so on- can you maintain your “vision”? How does this feel to consider?⁣ How can you plan for and practice this?

This is one of the many powerful mindset shifts and exercises I do with my clients. Working through the lack of control we have over specific details and holding on to what we can envision and hold true. ⁣

Reach out anytime and tell me how this goes for you!


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