Debunking Doula Myths


This week we put a call out for your ideas and myths around DOULAS. We are always amazed by how many people don't really know why they would need a doula, the role of a doula or what a doula could do for them and their family - and we see it is as our responsibility and opportunity to spread the good word about the advantages, benefits and realities of what having a doula is really all about. And with that...the first installment of our series ...

Doula Mythbusting


"A doula is not for me if..."

  • I plan to birth in a hospital 


Ask any doula and you'll probably hear that those birthing in a hospital are those who stand to benefit the most from what they have to offer! If you plan to birth in a hospital you will likely be faced with all kinds of decisions big and small and having a go-to, single dedicated support person is a proven asset. They can help you lay the groundwork for a flexible, informed birth plan and how to navigate the twists and turns that may pop up along the way. Also- when you birth in a hospital, your doula is the only person who is likely to be with you from start to finish! Did you know that your nurses spend the majority of the time out of your room, may switch shifts and that your OB is most likely only present for the pushing phase? (We know that different hospitals and practitioners have their own style and approach- these are great questions to ask on an hospital tour or during a prenatal with your OB- many people are shocked to find out that their beloved Doc won't be present for the entire experience)


"A doula is not for me if I want an epidural..."

  • "Gimme gimme all the drugs, I want an epidural and more! And I know a doula will be judgmental about me wanting all those things- my friends told me that their doula wouldn't let them have one when they wanted it."


Aweseome! It sounds like you really know what you want! A great doula will be invested in supporting your goals and seeing you empowered to make decisions for yourself and your family. Whether home or hospital, medicated or not- whether you plan to formula feed or breast/chest feed until your child is in kindergarten! - Our job is to create a space for to you experience an informed, empowered experience that is is ultimately YOURS. There is a doula out there for every family- if you are getting the vibe that a doula has her own agenda, keep looking or reach out to see how we can help you find the right support.


A doula is not for me if...

  • I want my partner to be included


Oooh...this is such a good one! We often hear from families that they are concerned that the partner to the birthing person will be pushed aside or not have a place in the birth experience if there is a doula there. Here's what we have to say about that— 1. A great doula will take the time to know your hopes and dreams for the birth experience, and that includes your partner and his/her role, ideas and hopes as well. It is the doula's job to help you carve out that space. 2. The partner needs a doula too!! While the birthing person certainly deserves a great deal of focused support, the partner is also walking through this journey- and it can be SO reassuring and calming to have an ally and a resource like a doula. Plus- sometimes a person has to pee, rest, eat or otherwise take a break! That's where a doula really comes into play. (pro tip- your doula can send updates to an impatient waiting room filled with your family as well!)


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