6 Questions to Ask Your OB

We all know that moment...

You have all your questions and concerns all lined up and ready to go and then NADA. Your appointment comes and goes in such a flash and maybe as it turns out we get a little nervous when we are naked and in stirrups and dealing with doctors who usually have pretty tight schedules. Anyone know what we mean?

A couple tips:

1. Keep a running list in your phone or notebook in your purse so you can jot down anything that comes up for you without having to remember it. Keep it with you when you go to your appointments!

2. Practice asking these questions out loud with someone you trust or even in the car on the way in by yourself. Make them your own and use your own voice and style- ours is just inspiration! If it isn't the first time, you'll be more confident and at ease when it is time to step into advocacy for yourself. (By the way - this is self-advocacy!)

3. Always remember that although you are the patient and they are a highly trained medical expert their job is to serve YOU. You are the client and deserve to be safe, respected and well cared for - and you get to decide what that means for you and your family.

4. How these questions are answered is every bit as important as what the answers are. If the vibe is "off", if you feel brushed off or as if you are annoying them, if they don't answer you completely or directly or something just isn't sitting right - that is great information as well.


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